In recognition of his leadership and contributions to the Roman state, Augustus is given the title “Pater Patriae” (Father of the Country), an honorific title that underscores his position as the protector and father figure of the Roman people. 14 CE: Death of Augustus Augustus dies on August 19, 14 CE, at the age of 75, after a reign
Strained Relations with Antony
31 BCE: Battle of Actium The rivalry between Octavius and Antony culminates in the Battle of Actium, a decisive naval battle fought off the coast of Greece. Octavius’ fleet, commanded by Agrippa, decisively defeats Antony and Cleopatra's forces. Following their defeat, both Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide, and Egypt becomes a Roman prov
The Life of Augustus: A Timeline
Augustus, born Gaius Octavius Thurinus on September 23, 63 BCE, was the founder of the Roman Empire and its first emperor. His reign, from 27 BCE until his death in 14 CE, marked the transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire, a shift that would shape the course of Western history. Augustus’ life was one of remarkable transformation,
The Establishment of the Roman Empire
Although Octavius had effectively won the civil war and eliminated his rivals, he still had to navigate the complex political structure of Rome. Rome was officially a republic, and Octavius needed to maintain the appearance of republican values to avoid alienating the Senate and the Roman people. In 27 BCE, Octavius offered to resign his powers and